How to pray to St. Nicholas?

How often we need help and ask our friends and family to support us? Unfortunately they have certain limitations, as all of us are sinful people. Asking Saints for intercession is much better way to deal with life challenges and invisible battle that goes on in our hearts.  St. Nicholas of Myra is one of the most beloved Saints from the 3rd century.  St. Nicholas followed the words of our Lord, to “lay up treasure for yourself in Heaven,” by praying every day, by fasting, and by performing good deeds. God was so pleased that he worked many miracles through Nicholas, before and after his death in 343 ACst-nicholas-of-myra-2

A short prayer to be repeated throughout the day

St. Nicholas, glorious Confessor of Christ, assist us in thy loving kindness.


Hierarch and father, O most holy Nicholas, thou extraordinary Saint of the Lord, our loving defender and ready helper in sorrows everywhere: help us sinners and hapless ones in the present life: entreat the Lord God to grant us remission of all of our sins, that we have committed from our youth and all our life, by deed, word, though and all our senses; and in the passing of our souls, help us wretched ones; entreat the Lord God and Maker of all creation, to deliver us from trials in the air and eternal torment: that we may alway glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and thy merciful intercession, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The Akathist hymn is chanted to St. Nicholas by those who seek his intervention in the time of serious trouble.

The Rules of the Seven Bows (when at home)
This is how it is chanted (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Learn more about life of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker 

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